Friday, December 31, 2010

Surat dari sahabat di Palestina

Surat yang di terbitkan melalui Artikel ini Pada dasarnya sudah lama  dan begitu banyak tersebar di Aneka blog,forum dan web..

Tapi entah mengapa Saya selalu ingin Membacanya..tanpa Bosan..

Bosankah anda ? Bosan ???

Ha.ha.ha..itu terserah anda dan saya tidak pernah perduli dengan kebosanan anda akan hal ini,

sebab ini surat dari saudaraku..yang kutahu sangat merindukan Bumi dimana kuberpijak kini.. 
Dimana yang kutahu sangat banyak dipenuhi manusia manusia serakah,tamak dan tak pernah bersyukur serta terlalu banyak keluh dan mau..hahaha..Manusia manusia Sontoloyo ! 
yang terlalu banyak meminta tapi bila diberi umumnya terlupa untuk berbagi !
bahkan banyak menjadi semakin rakus karena menganggap yang diterimanya tak  mencukupi..

dan bila kerakusannya memuncak  tak jarang lantas menghalalkan segala cara..!
sikut kanan kiri demi ambisi yang wajib terpenuhi tanpa perduli  disebut iblis iblis tirani !

Ha.ha...sayang.. biarpun serak suara dan mata jelata ini kering tanpa air mata lagi.. kuyakin mereka tetap Buta dan tuli..
Biarlah dan biarlah..lupakan saja..toh tuhanku maha tahu akan hal ini.. 
sahabat saya cuma ingin  membaca ini...lagi dan lagi..
semoga kau mau ikut  membacanya..

Surat dari sahabat di Palestina 

Untuk saudaraku di Indonesia, 
Saya tidak tahu, mengapa saya harus menulis dan mengirim surat ini untuk kalian di Indonesia,, Namun, jika kalian tetap bertanya kepadaku,kenapa?? Mungkin satu-satunya jawaban yang saya miliki Adalah karena Negeri kalian berpenduduk muslim Terbanyak di punggung bumi ini,,,,bukan demikian saudaraku??? Disaat saya menunaikan ibadah haji beberapa tahun silam, ketika pulang dari melempar jumrah, saya sempat berkenalan dengan salah seorang aktivis da'wah dari Jama'ah haji asal Indonesia, dia mengatakan kepadaku, setiap tahun musim haji ada sekitar 205 ribu jama'ah haji berasal dari Indonesia datang ke Baitullah ini?!!!?. Wah,,,,sungguh jumlah angka yang sangat fantastis & membuat saya berdecak kagum, Lalu saya mengatakan kepadanya, saudaraku,,,,jika jumlah jama'ah Haji asal GAZA sejak tahun 1987 Sampai sekarang di gabung,,itu belum bisa menyamai jumlah jama'ah haji Dari negeri kalian dalam satu musim haji saja. Padahal jarak tempat kami ke Baitullah lebih dekat di banding kalian yah? Wah?.wah?pasti uang kalian sangat banyak yah, apalagi menurut sahabatku itu ada 5 % dari rombongan tersebut yang menunaikan ibadah haji untuk yang kedua kalinya,,,Subhanallah.

Wahai saudaraku di Indonesia,

Pernah saya berkhayal dalam hati,,kenapa saya & kami yang ada di GAZA ini, tidak dilahirkan di negeri kalian saja. Wah?.pasti sangat indah dan mengagumkan yah..
Negeri kalian aman, kaya dan subur, setidaknya itu yang saya ketahui Tentang negeri kalian. Pasti para ibu-ibu disana amat mudah Menyusui bayi-bayinya, susu formula bayi pasti dengan mudah kalian dapatkan di toko-toko & para wanita hamil kalian mungkin dengan mudah bersalin di rumah sakit yang mereka inginkan. Ini yang membuatku iri kepadamu saudaraku Tidak seperti di negeri kami ini, saudaraku, anak-anak bayi kami lahir di tenda-tenda pengungsian. Bahkan tidak jarang tentara Israel menahan mobil ambulance yang akan mengantarkan istri kami Melahirkan di rumah sakit yang lebih lengkap alatnya di daerah Rafah, Sehingga istri-istri kami terpaksa melahirkan diatas mobil,,,,yah diatas mobil saudaraku!! Susu formula bayi adalah barang yang langka di GAZA sejak kami di blokade 2 tahun lalu, Namun isteri kami tetap menyusui bayi-bayinya dan menyapihnya hingga dua tahun lamanya Walau, terkadang untuk memperlancar ASI mereka, isteri kami rela minum air rendaman gandum. Namun,,,mengapa di negeri kalian , katanya tidak sedikit kasus pembuangan bayi yang tidak jelas siapa ayah & ibunya , terkadang ditemukan mati di parit-parit, di selokan-selokan dan di tempat sampah,,,,itu yang kami dapat dari informasi televisi. Dan yang membuat saya terkejut dan merinding,,, ,, ternyata negeri kalian adalah negeri yang tertinggi kasus Abortusnya untuk wilayah ASIA,,,,Astaghfirullah. Ada apa dengan kalian..??? Apakah karena di negeri kalian tidak ada konflik bersenjata seperti kami disini, sehingga orang bisa melakukan hal hina tersebut?.!! !, sepertinya kalian belum menghargai arti sebuah nyawa bagi kami di sini. Memang hampir setiap hari di GAZA sejak penyerangan Israel, kami menyaksikan bayi-bayi kami mati, Namun, bukanlah diselokan-selokan,,,,atau got-got apalagi ditempat sampah?saudaraku! !!, Mereka mati syahid,,,saudaraku! mati syahid karena serangan roket tentara Israel !!! Kami temukan mereka tak bernyawa lagi dipangkuan ibunya ,di bawah puing-puing bangunan rumah kami yang hancur oleh serangan roket tentara Zionis Israel, Saudaraku,,, ,bagi kami nilai seorang bayi adalah Aset perjuangan perlawanan kami terhadap penjajah Yahudi. Mereka adalah mata rantai yang akan menyambung perjuangan kami memerdekakan Negeri ini. Perlu kalian ketahui,,,sejak serangan Israel tanggal 27 desember (2009) kemarin, Saudara-saudara kami yang syahid sampai 1400 orang, 600 diantaranya adalah anak-anak kami Namun,,,,sejak penyerangan itu pula sampai hari ini, kami menyambut lahirnya 3000 bayi baru Dijalur Gaza, dan Subhanallah kebanyakan mereka adalah anak laki-laki dan banyak yang kembar,,,Allahu Akbar!!!

Wahai saudaraku di Indonesia,

Negeri kalian subur dan makmur, tanaman apa saja yang kalian tanam akan tumbuh dan berbuah, Namun kenapa di negeri kalian masih ada bayi yang kekurangan gizi ,menderita busung lapar,,,, Apa karena kalian sulit mencari rezki disana..? apa negeri kalian sedang di blokade juga..? Perlu kalian ketahui,,,saudaraku , tidak ada satupun bayi di Gaza yang menderita kekurangan gizi apalagi sampai mati kelaparan,,, walau sudah lama kami diblokade. Kalian terlalu manja?!? Saya adalah pegawai Tata usaha di kantor pemerintahan Hamas Sudah 7 bulan ini, gaji bulanan belum saya terima, tapi Allah SWT yang akan mencukupkan rezki untuk kami. Perlu kalian ketahui pula, bulan ini saja ada sekitar 300 pasang pemuda Baru saja melangsungkan pernikahan,, ,yah,,,mereka menikah di sela-sela serangan agresi Israel, Mereka mengucapkan akad nikah,,,,diantara bunyi letupan bom dan peluru saudaraku. Dan Perdana menteri kami, yaitu ust Isma?il Haniya memberikan santunan awal pernikahan Bagi semua keluarga baru tersebut.

Wahai Saudaraku di Indonesia,

Terkadang saya pun iri, seandainya saya bisa merasakan pengajian atau halaqoh pembinaan Di Negeri antum, seperti yang diceritakan teman saya tersebut,,,, Program pengajian kalian pasti bagus bukan, banyak kitab mungkin yang telah kalian baca, dan Buku-buku pasti kalian telah lahap,,,kalian pun sangat bersemangat bukan, itu karna kalian punya waktu.Kami tidak memiliki waktu yang banyak disini wahai saudaraku. Satu jam,,,yah satu jam itu adalah waktu yang dipatok untuk kami disini untuk halaqoh Setelah itu kami harus terjun langsung ke lapanagn jihad, sesuai dengan tugas yang Telah diberikan kepada kami. Kami di sini sangat menanti-nantikan hari halaqoh tersebut Walau Cuma satu jam saudaraku,,, ,Tentu kalian lebih bersyukur, kalian lebih punya waktu untuk menegakkan rukun-rukun halaqoh, Seperti ta'aruf, tafahum dan takaful di sana. Hafalan antum pasti lebih banyak dari kami,,, Semua pegawai dan pejuang Hamas di sini wajib menghapal surat al anfaal sebagai nyanyian perang kami, saya menghapal di sela-sela waktu istirahat perang ,,, bagaimana Dengan kalian?? Akhir desember kemarin, saya menghadiri acara wisuda penamatan hafalan 30 juz anakku yang pertama, ia diantara 1000 anak yang tahun ini menghapal al qur?an, umurnya baru 10 tahun , Saya yakin anak-anak kalian jauh lebih cepat menghapal al quran ketimbang anak-anak kami disini, di Gaza tidak ada SDIT seperti di tempat kalian, yang menyebar seperti jamur sekarang. Mereka belajar di antara puing-puing reruntuhan gedung yang hancur, yang tanahnya sudah Diratakan, diatasnya diberi beberapa helai daun pohon kurma,,,, yah di tempat itulah mereka belajar Saudaraku,, bunyi suara setoran hafalan al quran mereka bergemuruh diantara bunyi-bunyi senapan tentara Israel? Ayat-ayat Jihad paling cepat mereka hafal,,,karena memang didepan mereka tafsirnya. Langsung Mereka rasakan.

Wahai Saudaraku di Indonesia,

Oh, iya, kami harus berterima kasih kepada kalian semua, melihat aksi solidaritas yang kalian perlihatkan kepada masyarakat dunia, kami menyaksikan demo-demo kalian disini. Subhanallah, ,,,,kami sangat terhibur, karena kalian juga merasakan apa yang kami rasakan disini. Memang banyak masyarakat dunia yang menangisi kami di sini, termasuk kalian di Indonesia. Namun,,,bukan tangisan kalian yang kami butuhkan saudaraku Biarlah butiran air matamu adalah catatan bukti nanti di akhirat yang dicatat Allah sebagai Bukti ukhuwah kalian kepada kami. Doa-doa kalian dan dana kalian telah kami rasakan manfaatnya. Oh,,,iya hari semakin larut, sebentar lagi adalah giliran saya Untuk menjaga kantor, tugasku untuk menunggu jika ada telepon dan fax yang masuk Insya Allah, nanti saya ingin sambung dengan surat yang lain lagi Salam untuk semua pejuang-pejuang islam di Indonesia.


Abdullah ( Gaza City ..1430 H)

Air Mata Yang Menuntun ke surga

Dua ilmuwan pernah melakukan penelitian disertasi tentang air mata. Kedua peneliti tersebut berasal dari Jerman dan Amerika Serikat. Hasil penelitian kedua peneliti itu menyimpulkan bahwa air mata yang keluar karena tepercik bawang atau cabe berbeda dengan air mata yang mengalir karena kecewa dan sedih.

Air mata yang keluar karena tepercik bawang atau cabe ternyata tidak mengandung zat yang berbahaya. Sedangkan, air mata yang mengalir karena rasa kecewa atau sedih disimpulkan mengandung toksin, atau racun. Kedua peneliti itu pun merekomendasikan agar orang-orang yang mengalami rasa kecewa dan sedih lebih baik menumpahkan air matanya. Sebab, jika air mata kesedihan atau kekecewaan itu tidak dikeluarkan, akan berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan lambung.

Menangis itu indah, sehat, dan simbol kejujuran. Pada saat yang tepat, menangislah sepuas-puasnya dan nikmatilah karena tidak selamanya orang bisa menangis. Orang-orang yang suka menangis sering kali dilabeli sebagai orang cengeng. Cengeng terhadap Sang Khalik adalah positif dan cengeng terhadap makhluk adalah negatif.

Orang-orang yang gampang berderai air matanya ketika terharu mengingat dan merindukan Tuhannya, air mata itu akan melicinkannya menembus surga. Air mata yang tumpah karena menangisi dosa masa masa lalu akan memadamkan api neraka.

Hal ini sesuai dengan hadis Nabi, "Ada mata yang diharamkan masuk neraka, yaitu mata yang tidak tidur semalaman dalam perjuangan fisabilillah dan mata yang menangis karena takut kepada Allah."

Seorang sufi pernah mengatakan, jika seseorang tidak pernah menangis, dikhawatirkan hatinya gersang. Salah satu kebiasaan para sufi ialah menangis. Beberapa sufi mata dan mukanya menjadi cacat karena air mata yang selalu berderai.

Tuhan memuji orang menangis. "Dan, mereka menyungkurkan wajah sambil menangis dan mereka bertambah khusyuk." (QS Al-Isra' [17]:109). Nabi Muhammad SAW juga pernah berpesan, "Jika kalian hendak selamat, jagalah lidahmu dan tangisilah dosa-dosamu."

Ciri-ciri orang yang beruntung ialah ketika mereka hadir di bumi langsung menangis, sementara orang-orang di sekitarnya tertawa dengan penuh kegembiraan. Jika meninggal dunia ia tersenyum, sementara orang-orang di sekitarnya menangis karena sedih ditinggalkan.

Tampaknya, kita perlu membayangkan ketika nanti meninggal dunia, apakah akan lebih banyak orang mengiringi kepergian kita dengan tangis kesedihan atau dengan tawa kegembiraan.

Jika air mata kerinduan terhadap Tuhan tidak pernah lagi terurai, apalagi jika air mata selalu kering di atas tumpukan dosa dan maksiat, kita perlu segera melakukan introspeksi. Apakah mata kita sudah mulai bersahabat dengan surga atau neraka.

Sumber : SM9

Thursday, December 30, 2010

bodypainting skincity

SkinCity has the best team of bodypainters in Las Vegas! featured on MTV, Showtime, Spike, Lifetime, Hustler Magazine & Las Vegas Life Magazine, among others.We can create our "living art, in any style, to fit whatever theme you can dream up Great for events, promotions or private parties and photo shoots.

bodypainting skincity

SkinCity has the best team of bodypainters in Las Vegas! featured on MTV, Showtime, Spike, Lifetime, Hustler Magazine & Las Vegas Life Magazine, among others.We can create our "living art, in any style, to fit whatever theme you can dream up Great for events, promotions or private parties and photo shoots.

Classic Body Painting Terri Wyble

"Bodypainting Model of the Year". The award goes to the model, that expresses and represents the bodypainting artwork the best. That includes the modeling on the main days, on stage as well as in the photo shooting area.

Classic Body Painting Terri Wyble

"Bodypainting Model of the Year". The award goes to the model, that expresses and represents the bodypainting artwork the best. That includes the modeling on the main days, on stage as well as in the photo shooting area.

Cannibal holocaust , Extreme Movies

Canibal Holocaust , Dari Judulnya Mungkin semua sudah pada tau film ini seperti apa,Film kontroversial yg Konon kabar dilarang tayang di 53 negara. Kenapa harus kontroversial ? Entahlah..Apa karena Adegan yang terdapat pada film ini sedemikian “Menjijikkan bin mengerikannya” atau entah karena alasan lain yang menyebutkan kisah didalam film ini adalah Nyata… sekali lagi..Entahlah,yang pasti sangat “bagus” di tonton dalam kondisi ‘Perut keroncongan’dan sakit kepala menyerang anda


Cannibal Holocaust adalah film exploitasi dari Italia yang disutradarai oleh Ruggero Deodato. Film yang naskahnya ditulis oleh Gianfranco Clerici ini mengambil lokasi pembuatan di sungai Amazon.
Seorang reporter memberitakan tentang hilangnya kru film secara misterius. Mereka adalah Alan Yates (Gabriel Yorke) sutradara, Faye Daniels (Francesca Ciardi) pacar Alan sekaligus sebagai scriptgirl serta Jack Anders (Perry Pirkanen) dan Mark Tomaso (Luca Giorgio Barbareschi) yang bekerja sebagai juru kamera. Mereka terlihat berangkat dari kota terpecil Kolombia, Leticia menuju hutan di perbatasan antara Brazil dan Peru untuk mendokumentasikan keberadaaan suku-suku kanibal.

Antropolog Profesor Harold Monroe (Robert Kerman) diberikan tugas oleh New York University untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi pada kru film tersebut.
Sesampainya di Amazon, Monroe bertemu dengan Letnan Kolombia dan memperkenalkannya pada salah satu suku Yakumo yang akan dipakai sebagai sandera. Monroe juga ditunjukkan seorang pemandu bernama Chaco (Ricardo Fuentes) dan seorang pemuda bernama Miguel. Mereka bertiga pun berangkat menuju pedalaman untuk menemui suku Yacumo dan tentu saja untuk menguak hilangnya kru film yang dipimpin oleh Alan Yates itu.

Link download :





download  FSJ

( FSJ ( file split Joiner ) untuk membuka file dengan ext/format  .001 & __A )

body painting firecracker flying

body painting flying firecrackers

body painting firecracker flying

body painting flying firecrackers

Zodiac tattoo designs combine elegance and symbolism. They are a unique way to express your personality and your inner self to the world. However, there are a number of factors you should consider before choosing the best zodiac tattoo design for you.

Zodiac tattoo designs combine elegance and symbolism. They are a unique way to express your personality and your inner self to the world. However, there are a number of factors you should consider before choosing the best zodiac tattoo design for you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011-a02aae5b69dc4092980c2fe44eece3ca

At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.

Design Easy Face Painting 2011

Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!

Design Easy Face Painting 2011
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.

Trends Body Painting

Trends Body Painting